This paper focus on the issue of G20 mechanism.Through the analysis,the following conclusions are drawn:The emergence and development of G20 are closely related to the Asian economic crisis in 1997 and the world economic crisis in 2008.Whether G20 needs to realize the mechanism,mainly determined by the main needs of the member states.In the process of implementation of mechanisms,there are two problems need to be solved.The first one is the design of internal organizational structure,the second is the coexistence of external compatibility.As a founding member of G20,China's strategic choice has four points.First,Chinaneed to actively participate in the G20 agenda setting.Second,China should take efforts to put development issues in the center of the G20 framework for a long time,Third,China should promote the supply-side structural reform,"The Belt and Road"initiative and G20 integration.Fourth,China should adopt"group dialogue"and"double key"access,which is innovative system design,fully integrate related functions,resources and mechanisms of G20,G7 and the BRIC countries,so as to effectively improve the long-term economic management level of G20.
Indian Ocean Economic and Political Review