测定了24例甲亢治疗前后及30例健康对照的头发锌、硒、钒、锂及锗的含量,发现未治疗的甲亢头发锌、硒、钒、锂及锗含量较对照组低,Zn、Se、Li、Ge,P<0.001,V,P<0.01.甲亢经6~12周抗甲亢药物治疗后.头发中5种元素均较治疗前上升(P<0.001),且头发钒和锂含量治疗后已达到对照组水平,V,P>0.2,Li,P>0.1,而头发锌、晒及锗含量治疗后仍低于对照组(P<0 .001).结论:甲亢头发锌、硒、钒、锂及锗含量降低.经6~12周抗甲亢治疗可使头发钒及锂含量恢复正常水平,而其余3种元素则可能需要更长时间的抗甲亢治疗才能恢复至正常水平。
Zinc,selenium,lithium.vanadium and germanium concentration in hairs are determined among 24 patients with hyperthyroidism before and after treatment and 30 healthy controls. It is found that these five trace elements levels are all reduction. There are statistically significant differences comparing with healthy control group [P<0. 001 (Zn,Se.Li.Ge),P<0.01(V)].Aftr 6 to 12 weeks anti-thyroid treatment,the five trace elements levels are higher than before treatment (P<0. 001).and vanadium and lithium concentrations return to normal, but the other 3 trace elements not return to normal.
Trace Elements Science