

Detection of Trace Elements in the Hair-samples of 100 Cases of Dermatolog and Multiple Factors Analysis
摘要 对100例皮肤病患者发样中的Zn、Cu、Fe、Ca及Mg五种元素进行了检测,采用主成分分析及因子分析法对分析数据进行了统计学处理,探索皮肤病与这五种元素的关系.结果表明:Zn、Mg元素水平是皮肤病的重要样本特征,其中Mg元素是皮肤病的一个重要影响因子,其水平偏高及偏低者占病例数的92%;Cu、Fe元素水平基本正常;缺Zn影响则不是主要因素,低Zn者只占8%.可将皮肤病分为两大类:(1)Zn、Mg元素水平偏高类,占病例数的58%.(2)Ca、Mg元素水平偏低类,占病例数的32%. We have detected five trace element levels of Zn, Cu, Fe, Ca and Mg in hairs-samples of 100 cases of dermatolog. analysised these datas with principle component analysis and factor analysis and made a study of relationshap between these trace elements and disease of dermatolog.The results showed that Mg was important factor of impact. Among 100 cases of dermatolog, patients with both higher level and lower level of Mg were 92%, but other patients with the normal level of Mg were only 8%. The impact of Zn-deficiency was not main factors. The level of Cu were all normal and the levels of Fe were basically normal except some patients that were only 8%. The findings suggested that the influence of Cu and Fe were not important for patients of dermatolog. Ther fore patients of dermatolog could be classified as 2 types: (1) type 1 with higher level of Zn and Mg (58%); (2) thpe 2 with lower level of Ca and Mg. The results obtained with factor analysis showed that Zn, Cu, Fe and Ca, Mg were controlled by four factors respectively which were discorrelative, but a study should be made further.
出处 《广东微量元素科学》 CAS 1995年第6期20-25,共6页 Trace Elements Science
关键词 皮肤病 发样 微量元素 检测 分光光度法 Dermatolog,Hair-sample,Detection of trace element,Principle component Analysis,Factor analysis.
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