

The Role of Early Intervention Coordinator in U.K.and Its Implications
摘要 英国的早期干预是指鉴别可能会陷入发展困境的儿童及其家庭,与特殊需要儿童及其家庭合作,为他们提供及时、有效的干预支持,以期提高特殊需要儿童及其家庭的生活质量,同时使社会最大程度受益。在英国的早期干预系统中,早期干预协调者是特殊需要儿童获得高质量早期干预服务的重要保障。本文梳理英国早期干预协调者的发展历程,阐述早期干预协调者的不同类型和工作职责等内容,供相关工作者参考。 Early intervention in U.K.identifies those children who may encounter difficult situations,cooperate with children and families with special needs,supply effective and timely support to improve the life quality of those children and their families and benefit the whole society to the largest possible extent.In the early intervention system in U.K.,the early intervention coordinator is an important guarantee of high quality early intervention services for children with special needs.This paper sorts out the development process of early intervention coordinators,and summarizes different types of coordinators and their responsibilities.
作者 陈昕慧 苏雪云 Chen Xinhui;Su Xueyun(Faculty of Education,East China Normal University,Shanghai,200062)
出处 《幼儿教育(教育科学)》 2019年第3期47-51,共5页 Early Childhood Education(Educational Sciences)
基金 2016年度国家社会科学基金一般项目“农村地区0~6岁残疾儿童早期干预联结系统研究”的研究成果之一,项目批准号:16BSH106
关键词 英国 早期干预 协调者 特殊需要儿童 启示 U.K. early intervention coordinator children with special needs implication
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