
2018年通江县全民健康生活方式行动实施效果评估 被引量:6

Efficacy of China Healthy Lifestyle for All in Tongjiang County of Sichuan Province in 2018
摘要 目的掌握通江县全民健康生活方式行动实施效果情况,为改进健康促进干预措施提供依据。方法采用多阶段分层随机抽样法,抽取通江县15岁及以上常住居民开展全民健康生活方式行动问卷调查,采用SPSS 20.0进行χ2检验,检验水准α=0.05。结果健康生活方式知晓率,健康成人每日摄盐≤6 g、摄油≤25 g、成人正常BMI范围、男性健康腰围、女性健康腰围分别为44.56%、39.01%、48.67%、9.24%和10.88%;'健康成人生活、出行加运动,每日至少运动6 000步'、'健康成人每周至少150 min中等强度有氧运动'分别为70.23%和51.54%。健康生活方式持有率,自觉限盐、控油、控体重、从不吸烟分别为44.56%、39.01%、47.43%和65.50%;每周3 d及以上每次至少10 min重体力活动、5 d及以上每次至少10 min中等强度体力活动分别为11.29%和8.42%。部分健康生活方式指标在不同性别、年龄、文化程度、职业和健康状况差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。获取健康知识前3位途径是医生、电视和手机分别占91.99%、65.91%和57.49%。结论通江县全民健康生活方式行动多数指标处于较低水平,应当切实加强健康教育,广泛落实重点人群干预措施。 Object To understand the efficacy of the implement of China Healthy Lifestyle for All in Tongjiang so as to provide basis for improving intervention measures.Methods A multistage stratified random sampling method was used to select residents aged 15 years old and above.All the selected residents were surveyed by questionnaire of China Healthy Lifestyle for All.Chi-square test was performed with SPSS 20.0.Test levelα=0.05.Results The awareness rates of salt intake≤6 g for healthy adults,daily intake oil of≤25 g for adults,normal BMI range for healthy adults and healthy waist circumference for male and female were 44.56%、39.01%、48.67%、9.24%and10.88%,respectively.The awareness rates of healthy adults life,travel and exercise at least 6,000 steps per day,and moderate intensity aerobic exercise at least 150 minutes per week for healthy adults were 70.23%and 51.54%,respectively.The holding rates of conscious salt restriction,oil control,weight control and never smoking were 44.56%,39.01%,47.43%and 65.50%,respectively.The holding rates of heavy physical activity at least 10 minutes for 3 days or more per week,and moderate physical activity at least 10 minutes for 5 days or more per week were11.29%and 8.42%,respectively.Some indicators of healthy lifestyle had statistical differences in gender,age,education level,occupation and health status(P<0.05 or P<0.01).The top three ways to acquire health knowledge are Doctors,TV and mobile phones that accounted for 91.99%,65.91%and 57.49%respectively.Conclusion Most indicators of China Healthy Lifestyle for All were at a low level in Tongjiang county.We should further strengthen the propaganda and education,and widely implement scientific and effective interventions for key groups.
作者 赵廷明 冯育光 李鑫 张劲 ZHAO Tingming;FENG Yuguang;LI Xin;ZHANG Jin(Tongjiang County Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Tongjiang 636700,Sichuan Province,China)
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2019年第10期1148-1153,共6页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
关键词 全民健康生活方式行动 知晓率 健康行为 China Healthy Lifestyle for All awareness rates health behaviors
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