A rapid, simple,reliable method is described for assaying androgen receptor (AR) in dispersed, whole,cultured human genital skin fibroblasts (GSF) with a synthetic androgen, H-methyltrienolone (3H- R1881). Receptors for androgen in GSF exhibit high affinity (Kd=3.01 0.1 nmol/L), low binding capacity and androgen sped/icity.The content of AR in cultured GSF from 40 normal men varying in age from 1.5-60 years was also investigated by this assay.Scatchard analysis and single plot revealed the presence of 4500-8500 binding sites per cell, mean number of AR in GSF of these men is 628811082 binding sites/cell.NO signijicant difference was observed in the content of AR in different age groups. This result showed that the content of AR in these cells did not change with age.
A rapid, simple,reliable method is described for assaying androgen receptor (AR) in dispersed, whole,cultured human genital skin fibroblasts (GSF) with a synthetic androgen, H-methyltrienolone (3H- R1881). Receptors for androgen in GSF exhibit high affinity (Kd=3.01 0.1 nmol/L), low binding capacity and androgen sped/icity.The content of AR in cultured GSF from 40 normal men varying in age from 1.5-60 years was also investigated by this assay.Scatchard analysis and single plot revealed the presence of 4500-8500 binding sites per cell, mean number of AR in GSF of these men is 628811082 binding sites/cell.NO signijicant difference was observed in the content of AR in different age groups. This result showed that the content of AR in these cells did not change with age.