Based on the data from the survey of 7,872 newly married couples,who got the marriage licenses in two districts of Shanghai,during the period from Aug.1987 to Aug.1988, we analyzed contraceptive goals evaluation and acceptability of newlyAl married couples within fifteen months alter their marriage and before their having a baby. About hail of couples had ever used contraception after marriage,mainly for reason of 'expecting to be relaxed temporarily' and 'expecting to be pregnant'. The contraceptive methods commonly used were rhythm and condom, in general for reason Of 'convenience in use' as well as 'harmlessness to health' and 'e/fectiveness'. The reason ic r switching contraceptive methods was 'interference with intercourse' and 'low effectiveness'. 64 percent oj couples were unwilling to use pill, mainly /or /ear of 'harm to health'.The factors affecting acceptability of pill and injection were wife' s age at marriage, her educational level, occupation and character, couple's contraceptive knowledge and their health status and monthly income.
Based on the data from the survey of 7,872 newly married couples,who got the marriage licenses in two districts of Shanghai,during the period from Aug.1987 to Aug.1988, we analyzed contraceptive goals evaluation and acceptability of newlyAl married couples within fifteen months alter their marriage and before their having a baby. About hail of couples had ever used contraception after marriage,mainly for reason of 'expecting to be relaxed temporarily' and 'expecting to be pregnant'. The contraceptive methods commonly used were rhythm and condom, in general for reason Of 'convenience in use' as well as 'harmlessness to health' and 'e/fectiveness'. The reason ic r switching contraceptive methods was 'interference with intercourse' and 'low effectiveness'. 64 percent oj couples were unwilling to use pill, mainly /or /ear of 'harm to health'.The factors affecting acceptability of pill and injection were wife' s age at marriage, her educational level, occupation and character, couple's contraceptive knowledge and their health status and monthly income.