Consider the regression model Y=Xβ+ g(T) + e. Here g is an unknown smoothing function on [0, 1], β is a l-dimensional parameter to be estimated, and e is an unobserved error. When data are randomly censored, the estimators βn* and gn*forβ and g are obtained by using class K and the least square methods. It is shown that βn* is asymptotically normal and gn* achieves the convergent rate O(n-1/3).
Consider the regression model Y=Xβ+ g(T) + e. Here g is an unknown smoothing function on [0, 1], β is a l-dimensional parameter to be estimated, and e is an unobserved error. When data are randomly censored, the estimators βn* and gn*forβ and g are obtained by using class K and the least square methods. It is shown that βn* is asymptotically normal and gn* achieves the convergent rate O(n-1/3).