Objective To analyze CT findings of hepatic space- occuping lesions during arterial phase,portal venous phase and delayed phase scans and to test the dynamic CT capability to differentiate the primary hepatocelluar carcinoma(HCC) from hemangioma and metastasis.Methods Twenty- five patients with clinically proved hepatic spacc- occuping lesions in which included HCCs(15),hemangiomas(5),and metastases (5) underwent spiral CT precontrast scans and dynamic arterial phase and portal venous phase scans,5 patients with hemangioma underwent additional delayed phase scans.Results In arterial phasc,HCC appeared as obvious enhancement while the liver was non- enhanced so that formed a clear contrast between the lesions and normal tissue.In portal venous phase,HCC presented relative hypodense or recovered to precontrast findings.Hepatic hemangioma was characterized by circular or nodular enhancement of borders in arteral phase and step by step enhanced from border to center in portal venous phase and appeared as hyperdense while in delayed phase the lesions were totally isodense or hypodense.CT findings of liver metastases were varied such as the borders to be enhanced or non homogeneous enhanced or non enhanced.Conclusion The contrast enhancement patterns of HCCs,hemangiomas and metastases seen in dynamic CT scanning are useful in the differential diagnosis of these tumors. [
Journal of Practical Medical Imaging