
大学生自杀防控的教育学思考 被引量:2

Educational consideration of prevention and control of college students' suicide
摘要 大学生自杀的主观意志性决定其教育转化的现实可行性,大学生自杀意念形成的多重复合性又决定其教育转化的艰难性。自杀意念作为一种消极腐蚀力对大学生的正常人格造成严重的侵蚀后果,必须采取切实有效的教育措施强化其内在免疫力。大学生自杀免疫力是一个由心理人格、生死认知、负面事件和临场扶助等变量决定的函数。因此,高校必须依据大学生自杀意念形成规律,采取有效的自杀防控教育转化措施,加强心理健康教育、生命教育和以社会责任为中心的思想品德教育。 College students' subjective of suicide determines its realistic feasibility of transformation of education. The multiple compound formed by suicidal ideation determines its hardships of education transformation. Suicidal ideation,as a kind of negative corrosion on normal college students' personality,caused serious consequences. We must take practical and effective education measures to strengthen its inherent immunity. College students' immunity to suicide is a function determined by variables such as psychological personality,life and death cognition,negative events and on- the- site support,etc. Therefore,colleges and universities must be based on the college students' suicidal ideation formation mechanism,adopt effective suicide prevention and control by the transformation of education policy and strengthen the mental health education,life education and ideological and moral education as the center of social responsibility.
出处 《新余学院学报》 2017年第1期127-130,共4页 Journal of Xinyu University
基金 教育部"十一五"重点规划项目"大学生自杀防控教育管理机制研究"(DFA100218)
关键词 大学生自杀 自杀意念 自杀免疫力 教育转化政策 college students' suicide suicidal ideation suicide immunity transformation of education policy
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