意思联络 ,是共同犯罪故意认识因素的外在形式。只有共同犯罪人之间具有意思联络 ,才能形成共同犯罪故意。共同实行犯的共同刑事责任只限于共同意思联络明确包含的犯意范围之内。只要所教唆的犯罪研为的对象确定 ,即使犯罪性质不明确 ,教唆者也应当对被教唆者实际实施的犯罪行为承担刑事负责。即使事先帮助的意思联络并没有明确犯罪的性质 ,帮助者也应当对其所帮助的实行行为的后果承担刑事责任。在有组织犯的情况下 ,帮助者之间、实行者之间以及帮助者与说行者之间不需要有意思联络 。
Intention liaison is the form of joint criminal intention. Only if the joint criminal persons have contacted the liaison intention can joint criminal intention be formed. The common criminal responsibility is limited among the joint criminal intention. Only if the object of instigated crime is defined can the instigated person bear criminal responsibility for the enterpriser's criminal act. Even if the helper intention liaison has not defined the character of the crime, the criminal helper should bear responsibility for the enterpriser's act. If the helper, the enterpriser and the organizer have contacted the intention liaison separately,the joint criminal intention can be formed.
Journal of Dalian Maritime University(Social Science Edition)