中国古代叙事文学乃至史书、野史笔记 ,透露了中国古人把异国人看作鬼兽的传统认知模式 ,对于海外他族人们“非人类性”———“兽性”的着意强调。中国古代关于海外世界的叙事描述 ,小说、正史、野闻之间互动互渗 ,迎合“华夏中心主义”的优越感 ,强化了华夏民族自我封闭的文化模式 ,一定程度上延展。
In ancient China, the narrating literature, history and unofficial history and notes show the cognizing model that the ancient Chinese view foreigners as ghosts. Meanwhile, they stress the thoughts that the foreigns are non-humans,that is, they have beastliness. Novels, official history, and unofficial history, narrating drawings about the abroad world interact with one another, thus influencing one another. Those drawings meet with the thought of China centred, enhance the cultural model of Chinese self obturating, and, to a certain extent, extend and accelerate mystery worship of narrating literature in the Ming and Qing times.
Journal of Dalian Maritime University(Social Science Edition)
国家社会科学基金项目 (0 2BZW 0 2 2 )