目的 研究烘干温度对胃舒散中挥发油和橙皮苷含量的影响。 方法 观察在制备胃舒散时采用 6 0℃、80℃两种烘干温度对挥发油和橙皮苷含量的影响。 结果 采用 80℃烘干 ,胃舒散中挥发油含量下降 15 % ,经双波长薄层扫描法测得橙皮苷含量下降 6 % ;采用 6 0℃烘干则挥发油和橙皮苷含量下降不明显。 结论 6 0℃烘干更有利于最大限度保存胃舒散中原药材的有效成分。
Objective To study the influence of baking temperature on contents of volatile oil and hesperidin in weishu pulverse.Methods The influences of baking temperature 60℃ and 80℃ when in preparation of Weishu pulverse on volatile oil and hesperidin were studied.Results The content of volatile oil and hesperidine in the pulverse descreased by 15% and 6% when the baking temperature was 80℃,while their level had little derease in 60℃.Conclusion the baking temperature 60℃ is best to keep concentation of volatile oil hesperidine in the pulverse.
Journal of Medical Forum