川渝两地是我国西部开发中最为重要的两制高点 ,为充分发挥川渝两地在整个西部大开发战略中的重要作用 ,必须在抓好现有交通基础设施建设的同时 ,作好未来交通的规划 ,以利社会和经济持续健康发展。川渝间高速公路和高等级公路目前已基本成网 ,但铁路发展不能满足需求。未来除需建设遂 (遂宁 )渝 (重庆 )铁路外 ,还应尽早规划 ,适归建设成渝间高速铁路。只有成渝间高速铁路建成后 ,才能真正解决成渝间大量的旅客运输 ,明显缩短旅行时间 。
The plan of future transport should be worked out for Sichuan and Chongqing based on the construction of existing transport facilities in order to give their important play to develop-the-west strategy and facilitates sustuainable and healthy development of economy, because Sichuan and Chongqing should be planned as soon as possible and constructed at right time. Only after the express railway line is completed, can it meet the needs of great passenger traffic volume between Sichuan and Chongqing and reduce the travel time by convenient transport means.
Journal of Railway Engineering Society