聚合物 /蒙脱石纳米复合材料是当前材料科学的研究热点之一。本文在简述了蒙脱石的结构特征和表面有机修饰的基础上 ,讨论了聚合物 /蒙脱石纳米复合材料的形成机理 ,即改性后蒙脱石内表面性由亲水性转变为亲油性 ,其片层被聚合物单体插层或撑开 ,并均匀分散在聚合物基体中 ,使复合材料的界面结合增强。该复合材料的结构通常采用XRD ,TEM结合DSC ,TGA ,FT -IR ,NMR及STM ,AFM等方法来表征。最后重点介绍了该类材料的研究现状及技术发展趋势。
The preparation of polymer-montmorillonite nanocomposite is one of the hotspot of materials at present. On the basis of briefly interpreting of montmorillonite's structure and surface organic-modification, the formation mechanism is discussed, i.e inner-surface of montmorillonite pieces which miscible with high-molecule can be intercalated or exfoliated by polymer, and equality distributionin it. This composite structure is charactered by XRD,TEM,DSC-TGA,FT-IR,NMR,STM and AFM. Research actuality and the trend of technology development of the naocomposite are mainly explored.
Journal of East China Geological Institute
山东省教委资助项目(资助号 :J0 2AO5)