目的 :探讨脑卒中后精神障碍与社会、家庭环境的相关性。方法 :对脑卒中病人同时进行精神障碍的诊断 ,并全部采用自拟有关社会、家庭环境项目调查表进行调查 ,将调查结果进行分析。结果 :脑卒中后抑郁症发病率为 44 .1% ,焦虑症为 7.9% ,躁狂症为 1.6% ,总发病率为 5 3 .5 %。脑力劳动者、文化程度较高者抑郁症发病率较高 ;经济状况较差者焦虑症发病率较高 ;家庭环境差者各种类型均高。结论 :脑卒中后精神障碍发病率及类型与社会、家庭环境有一定程度的相关性。
Objective: To study the relationship between mental disorders after stroke and society and family condition. Methods: To investige the social and family's state of the stroke patients who had mental disorders with the table involving related items. Results:Depression incidence rate after stroke was 44.1%, anxiety was 7.9% and mania was 1.6%. The depression incidence rate of mental laborer or the people with higher level of education was higher; The peoples with lower income or poorer family's condition had a higher rate of all mental disorder. Conclusion:The incidence rate and type of mental disorders after stroke are related in a degree to the social and family's condition.
Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine on Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease