选用辽宁省20世纪80年代和90年代有代表性的杂交水稻及亲本 ,采用多种统计方法 ,重点研究了北方杂交粳稻亲本主要产量性状、农艺性状、品质性状在F1 代的遗传表达。结果表明 :(1)杂交水稻的结实率主要受母本控制 ,呈正相关关系 ,接近显著水平 ,与父本关系不大 ,且呈负相关关系。杂交水稻的千粒重主要受父本影响。(2)杂交水稻剑叶的叶周长和叶长主要与恢复系相关 ,叶宽和长宽比主要与不育系相关。倒二叶的叶周长、叶长、叶面积主要与恢复系相关 ,长宽比与父母本相关均显著。倒三叶叶面积、叶长、叶周长与恢复系相关显著 ,叶宽与不育系相关显著。在杂交水稻组合选育过程中 ,应注重对不育系的穗长和经济系数进行选择 ,而对恢复系更应注意株高和穗长两性状。(3)对恢复系应重点选择籽粒外部形状、糊化温度和垩白米率 ,对不育系应重点选择粗蛋白含量和垩白米率 ,其他性状父母本应平衡协调选择。
The genetic expressions of yield, quality and agronomic characters in northern hybrid japonica rice were studied, with the representative hybrid japonica rice and their parents in the 1980's and 1990's as materials and using many statistical methods. The results indicated:1.The seed setting rate of hybrid rice was controlled by female parent and positively related to that of femal parent. The 1000-grain weight of hybrid rice was mainly affected by male parent.2. The perimeter and length of sword leaf of hybrid rice closely related to restorer line. The width and the ratio of length to width of sword leaf of hybrid rice mainly related to male sterile line. The perimeter, length and area of the second top leaf of hybrid rice mainly related to restorer line. The ratio of length to width of the second leaf of hybrid rice correlated significantly with male sterile line and restorer line. The perimeter, length and area of the third leaf of hybrid rice mainly related to restorer line. The width of the third leaf of hybrid rice correlated significantly with male sterile line.3.It was important to select spike length and economic coefficient of male sterile line and select plant height and spike length of restorer line in hybrid rice breeding. The appearance traits of grain, gelatinization temperature and the percentage of chalk grains of restorer line were key traits. The content of albumen and the percentage of chalk grains of maintainer line were key traits. Parents were equally important to other quality traits.
Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University