从市场容量、市场增长率和市场占有率 3个方面研究了中国化学肥料市场现状和发展趋势 ,并综合 3方面因素得出中国化学肥料市场是有发展潜力的 ,但是应侧重于磷和钾的发展 ,同时需在提高技术含量、提高肥料的有效利用方面做进一步的工作 ,整体提升中国化肥工业的水平。
The present situation and development trend of the chemical fertilizer market in China are studied in terms of the absorption of market, market growth rate and market share, and by summing up the factors of these three aspects, it is seen that the chemical fertilizer market in China has the potential for expansion, but stress should be given to the development of phosphatic and potassic fertilizers, and in the meantime further work is needed to increase the technological content and improve the effective utilization of fertilizers, thus raising the overall level of the chemical fertilizer industry in China.
Chemical Fertilizer Industry