采用好氧管式膜生物反应器处理不同含盐浓度的有机废水 ,研究结果表明 (1)进水COD浓度在 2 0 0 0~ 30 0 0mg/L时 ,出水COD在 179~ 2 2 3mg/L之间 ,COD平均去除率在 89.5 %以上 ;(2 )MBR处理高盐度有机废水耐冲击负荷的能力较强 ,出水水质稳定 ;(3)当膜的TMP =0 .1MPa,盐度为 1.0 %、1.5 %、2 .0 %时 ,管式膜的稳定运行通量分别为30、2 4、2 1L/ (m2 ·h) 。
The author made a laboratory study using aerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR) to treat organic wastewater containing high salinity.The results are as follows:(1)More than 89.5% removal efficiency of COD can be achieved when the influent COD concentration is 2 000~3 000 mg/L,and the effluent COD concentration is 179~223 mg/L.(2)Influent load has little influence on MBR,the effluent has stable quality.(3)The permeate flux is 30、24、21L/(m 2·h) respectively when the salinity is 1.0%、1.5%、2.0% and the TMP is 0.1MPa, and there is no cleaning during this stage.
Chemical Industry Times