
全球化框架下的香港阶层分析以及青年人对时政的看法 被引量:2

The Analysis of Classes and the Views of Young Adults toward Politics in Hong Kong within the Framework of Globalization
摘要 自20世纪90年代起,香港经历了城市经济转型,到目前为止,以金融、地产、服务行业为支柱的香港已经成了典型的全球化城市,具备独特的全球化城市特点,同时拥有了其他全球化城市的通病和弊端。城市阶层的二元化趋势使得劳工阶层的生活素质日益下降,弥漫全球的新自由主义思想又在这里广为流传,被年轻人广为接受。这些问题加上香港在经济转型期间自身的弊病,导致并激化了城市内部的矛盾,使得年轻人走上街头,为自身的权益呐喊。本文从全球化城市的特点入手,借助现有的香港劳工阶层的研究,分析香港年轻人的生活状况以及关心的问题,从城市文化人类学的角度将已有的研究整合,为解决香港面临的挑战提供新的思路。 Since the 1990 s, Hong Kong experienced its economic transformation. Up till now, the city has successfully transformed into a typical globalized city with the dominance of finance, real estate,and service industry as the pillar industries. The city itself has also the distinct characteristics and common defects and problems as other globalized cities. Due to polarization in class distribution, the working class suffers much from the declining quality of life. The universally pervasive neoliberalism is also widely spread in this city and is generally accepted by the young adults. When the defects got intensified by the problems created in the city's economic transformation, these young adults began to cry out for their own benefits in the street. How to face such intensified urban problems? How to find solutions? This article starts from introducing the characteristics of the globalized city and relies on the analysis of the working class in Hong Kong to understand the young adults' living conditions and their concerns. With the holistic views provided by the urban anthropological analysis, the article intends to provide some new ideas to dealing with the challenges that Hong Kong faces.
作者 王丹凝
出处 《港澳研究》 2016年第4期14-21,91-92,共10页 Hong Kong and Macao Journal
关键词 全球化城市 新自由主义 曼哈顿化 多元文化 globalized city neoliberalism Manhattanization multiculturalism
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