

Summary of the 2017 Academic Conference of Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies
摘要 2017年全国港澳研究会学术研讨会在深圳举行。与会学者分政治、经济、社会文化三个分会场,重点围绕维护中央全面管治权与特区高度自治权有机结合、港澳在国家发展中的地位与作用以及港澳的社会文化等主题进行了集中讨论。在政治分会场,与会专家指出了全面管治权的理论基础与主要内容,并对全面管治权行使的重点及其与高度自治权结合的方式展开了研讨。在经济分会场,与会专家分析了粤港澳大湾区建设的战略意义,提出粤港澳大湾区的主要特征及发展的优、劣势,并探讨了大湾区建设的发展方向。在社会文化分会场,与会专家集中就港澳近年来出现的社会运动及历史、文化、教育领域出现的若干问题进行研讨,并就促进港澳人心回归等问题提出若干对策建议。 The 2017 Academic Conference of Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies was held in Shenzhen. The participating scholars respectively went for panels on political, economic,and socio-cultural issues, focusing on issues such as safeguarding the central government's overall jurisdiction and the high degree of autonomy of the SARs, and the status and role of Hong Kong and Macao in national development as well as the socio-cultural aspects of Hong Kong and Macao. At the political panel, the participating experts pointed out the theoretical basis and main content of overall jurisdiction,and conducted discussions on the focus of the exercise of overall jurisdiction and its combination with a high degree of autonomy. At the economic panel, the participating experts expounded the significance of building the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, illustrated the main features, and the advantages and disadvantages for development of the Greater Bay Area as well as, and discussed the development direction and the institutional mechanisms yet to be improved of the Greater Bay Area. At the socio-cultural panel, participating experts focused on the social movements in Hong Kong and Macao in recent years, as well as a number of issues in the fields of history, culture, and education. They also put forward a number of suggestions regarding popular sentiment in Hong Kong and Macao.
出处 《港澳研究》 2018年第1期84-92,96,共10页 Hong Kong and Macao Journal
关键词 全国港澳研究会 全面管治权 粤港澳大湾区 港澳社会与文化 Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies overall jurisdiction Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area socio-cultural issues of Hong Kong and Macao
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