所谓'早期马尼拉闽南语'(Early Manila Hokkien,简称EMH),是指十七世纪初菲律宾马尼拉地区华侨所说的闽南语。这种闽南语的片段曾经被当时驻菲的天主教传教士记录下来。其中一份最有名的文献,是Arte de la lengua chio chiu。韩可龙(Kloter2011)把该书翻译为英语并做了精心的校订,为研究者提供了很大的便利。本文以'原始闽南语'(Proto-South Min)为出发点,全面检视Arte的音韵系统,试图厘清它所反映的EMH系属问题。比较证明:EMH和'闽南语南支福建小支'共享为数不少的音韵创新,因此把EMH归到那个小支去,应该是没有问题的。'福建小支'的成员包括漳州话、大田话和龙岩话等。另一方面,EMH并非完全没有混杂的成分,这可由若干罕见于'福建小支'的音变,以及个别含'闽南语北支'特点的拼写反映出来。
Early Manila Hokkien( 'EMH')refers to a Southern Min variety spoken by the Chinese Filipino in Manila in the early 17 th century. Romanized forms of this language appear in various religious documents such as Arte de la lengua chio chiu compiled by the Spanish Catholic missionaries staying in the Philippines. In this article,we compare the sound system of EMH as reflected in Arte de la lengua chio chiu(according to the transcription made by Kloter 2011) with Proto-Southern Min-the putative ancestor of all modern Southern Min dialects. It is found that EMH shares a good number of phonological innovations with the Fujian Branch of the Southern Group of the Southern Min family, which indicate a close genetic relationship among the dialects of Zhangzhou,Longyan,Datian and EMH.
Bulletin of Linguistic Studies