
当今高等教育招生地方化问题反思——央地关系视角下的宪法权利与权力 被引量:1

Reflection on Localization of Higher Education Students' Recruitment:Constitutional Rights and Powers on Central and Local Relationship
摘要 接受高等教育的权利在我国属于宪法性权利,而提供接受高等教育的机会等则属于国家机关在宪法框架下的宪法性权力。目前由于各种原因造成的高等院校招生名额分配地方化问题引发了社会各阶层的关注和争议。学界提出的解决高等教育招生地方化问题的对策主要围绕经济投入、高校自主、司法审查保护等政策层面展开,然而要根本上解决问题必须一方面发展经济提供更多高等教育机会以满足公民对高等教育的宪法性权利要求,另一方面借鉴国外的成功经验,对我国目前高等教育制度和权力关系进行改革,实现规范化、层次化和法治化。在制度改革过程中,宜循序渐进,现阶段可以通过对部属院校招生中区分全国性名额和地区性保留名额,前者通过统一考试不设区域区别招收,后者保留给部属院校所在地区生源,以减少来自地方阻力和长期以来的路径依赖阻碍。然而在地区性保留名额不应过多,并且应逐年减少,同时最终实现对高等教育招生的根本性制度改革和央地在高等教育权力划分上的合理化。 The right of higher education is one of constitutional rights in our country. And providing opportunities to higher education is a constitutional power of state agency under the constitutional framework of.At present,because of the social history,economic and financial causes,the distribution of higher education students' recruitment percentage emerge to localization. And this phenomenon has aroused controversial debates and high attentions among different hierarchy in past ten years. Since then,measures to solve this problem proposed by scholars and politicians majorly focus on economic investments,universities independence and protection from judicial review. But for solving this problem fundamentally, achieving standardization,hierarchical and rule of law,we must provide more higher education opportunities through economic development in order to meet citizens' constitutional right claims,meanwhile,we have to be clear,rational and specific distribution in higher education authority between China's central and local government by learning the experiences from American in federal and state's education administration powers' assignment. During the reform process,paces should be step by step in order to reduce the resistances from locals and their long- dependence obstacles. At first the central government can distinguish national quota and local reserved quota. The former one establish unified exam all over the country while the regional quota is just reserved for students from the areas where the subordinate institutions locate. However,the local regions' quota should not be too much and it should be gradually reduced and ultimately eliminated.
作者 姚尚贤
出处 《中山大学研究生学刊(社会科学版)》 2015年第1期40-53,共14页 Journal of the Graduates Sun YAT-SEN University(Social Sciences)
关键词 高等教育招生 地方化 央地关系 宪法权利 宪法权力 higher education students' recruitment localization the central and local government constitutional right constitutional power
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