

Cultural Aspects of Taiwan Residents Life Writings Under Japanese Occupation
摘要 从文化的角度考察和分析日据时期台湾传记的总体状况,是深入理解台湾传记发展史和文化史不可忽视的部分,也是挖掘台湾当代文化复杂性根源的一个重要窗口。受日本和西方作家现代传记写作的影响,日据时期的台湾传记开始了现代转型,出现了许多以晚清政要、维新党人和革命党人、台湾本土精英等为传主的文本。同时也有大量日记、游记、书信等传统形式的自传性文本。一方面,这些传记成为日本文化殖民的一部分,充当奴化教育的工具;另一方面,也曲折地透露出台湾人逐渐觉醒的现代自我意识和民族意识,具有开启民智和文化启蒙的功用,成为写作者反文化殖民的一种方式,体现了殖民文化创伤下台湾人复杂的家国情怀和身份认同。 It is necessary to review and analyze the overall Taiwan Residents life writings during the period of Japanese occupation to understand thoroughly the history of development and culture for Taiwan Residents life writings and examine the source of Taiwan’s contemporary cultural complexities. Under the influence of Japanese and western modern life writings, Taiwan Residents life writings in this period has undergone the modern transformation with the emergence of life writing texts of Late-Qing statesmen, reformers and revolutionaries and Taiwan local elites. In the meantime, this period also witnessed the exuberance of traditional autobiographical texts such as diaries, travelogues and letters. These life writing texts function as a component of Japanese cultural colonization and the domestication tool on the one hand. On the other hand, the Taiwan Residents modern self-consciousness and the awakening national consciousness wound its way into these texts to enlighten both wisdom and culture. In this way, these texts serve as a means of countering cultural colonization and embody pepole in Taiwan’s complex patriotism and identification in the context of the colonial cultural trauma.
作者 袁祺 Yuan Qi;School of Liberal Arts at Yangzhou University
机构地区 扬州大学文学院
出处 《现代传记研究》 CSSCI 2017年第2期110-126,共17页 Journal of Modern Life Writing Studies
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“境外中国现代人物传记资料整理与研究”(11&ZD138)阶段性成果
关键词 日据时期 台湾传记 现代转型 文化殖民 身份 Japanese occupation Taiwan Residents life writings modern transformation cultural colonization identity








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