

Application of tissue dilators to repairing 35 cases of cicatricial calvities
摘要 [背景 ]评价应用组织扩张器修复疤痕性秃发的疗效 .[病例报告 ]往 3 5例疤痕性秃发病人秃发区周围的正常头皮内植入扩张器 ,扩张头皮至超过疤痕面积的 2倍 ,切除全部疤痕 ,移植皮瓣修复秃发区 .全部病例均 1次性修复完成 ,取得满意的疗效 .[讨论 ]应用组织扩张器修复疤痕性秃发的手术操作简便 ,创面小 。 BACKGROUNDTo study and evaluate the meth od s and curative effects of tissue dilators for repairing the cicatricial calv itie s.CASE REPORTThe tissue dilators were implanted into normal scalp round the area of calvities, scalp was dilated more than two times area of calvities, all the scar was resected, and the skin flap was transplanted to rep air the area of calvities. Results showed that all of 35 cases were satisfied fo r once repairing effects.DISCUSSIONFor simple operation, sma ll surface wound and better effects, using tissue dilators is the best repairing method of calvities.
作者 李禹楠 金晟
出处 《延边大学医学学报》 CAS 2003年第4期295-296,共2页 Journal of Medical Science Yanbian University
关键词 脱发 瘢痕 组织扩张器 修复 alopecia cicatrix tissue expansion
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