

A Study of Ion Spectra of the NO Molecule from Photofragment of NO_2
摘要 利用Nd:YAG激光器三倍频,输出波长为λ=355nm的激光光解NO2分子所产生的NO分子,通过共振增强多光子电离及飞行时间质谱技术,获得了振转态分辨的NO(X2∏,υ″,J″)离子谱NOγ(0,0),γ(1,0),γ(1,1)。NO分子的离子信号强度与UV电离激光能量(λ≈226nm)之间的关系能用二次方曲线很好拟合,它表明光解产物NO分子是通过(1+1)多光子吸收过程而被电离的。上述结果对NO2分子光解动力学及其产物NO的电离动力学提供了十分有益的信息。 The ion spectra of the NO from the dissociation of NO2 at laser wavelength 355nm has been investigated using resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) and time of light (TOF) mass spectrometer technique.The vibrotation state resolution ion spectrun of the NO is obtained. The relation between ion signal intensities for NO and the energy of UV ionization laser can be well simulated with second proportional curve, it shows, NO is ionized by (1+1) multiphoton absorption process. These results are very useful information for NO2 photodissociation dynamics and ionization dynamics of its product NO.
作者 高文斌
出处 《杭州电子工业学院学报》 2003年第6期1-4,共4页 Journal of Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Engineering
关键词 激光光解 离子谱 NO2 NO 共振增强多光子电离 飞行时间质谱 dissociation resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) time of flight (TOF) mass-spectrum ion spectrum
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