布朗合成氨装置一段炉在满足生产时 ,常存在着热负荷高、转化管出口物流温度达不到设计值(6 94℃ )的问题 ,导致甲烷转化率偏低、对流段底部温度超高 ,造成底部预热盘管局部烧坏 ,翅片烧化 ,支架变形。为确保生产稳定 ,提高生产能力 ,通过热负荷分析找出问题所在 ,并提出整改办法。
In meeting for the production requirements,there were problems of high heat load and the stream temperature at the exit reformer tubes unattainable to the designed value(694℃)existing in the primary reformer of Braun ammonia plant This lead to the lower methane conversion and overheating of the convection section bottom,resulting in the melting down of part of the prehealing coil ,fused tube vane and the support deformation,and so on In order to stabilize production and increase production capacity,the resolving means were put forward,through analysis of heat load.
Large Scale Nitrogenous Fertilizer Industry