
覆膜策略调节旱地玉米应对冰雹灾害的差异性研究 被引量:1

Study on the Differences of Dry Maize's Ronsponse to Hail Disaster According to Different Film Mulching Strategies
摘要 本研究通过对比玉米白膜膜际(BM)、黑膜膜际(HM)、白色全膜覆盖垄沟播种(QM)及露地种植(CK)四种旱地栽培模式在冰雹前后玉米形态发育及产量构成的变化,诠释覆膜策略应对冰雹灾害、稳定玉米产量的差异性。结果表明:(1)玉米拔节期,不同覆膜处理土壤含水量显著高出裸地1. 0%-1. 3%,QM土壤储水高于膜际栽培;(2)冰雹前地膜覆盖显著增加玉米株高和茎粗,QM株高、茎粗分别增加19. 7%和23. 7%,黑、白膜膜际栽培增加了8. 8%-9. 9%;(3)冰雹后,BM玉米穗长增加3. 5%,较QM提高1. 0%、较HM提高2. 8%; QM穗粗降低3. 9%;(4)冰雹灾害显著降低玉米产量,BM较对照减产8. 3%,HM减产14. 0%,QM减产19. 6%。BM可有效缓解冰雹灾害的副作用,缓解效应高出QM14. 1%。总之,膜际栽培玉米生育期得以延迟,降低了冰雹灾害对玉米生殖生长的影响,有助于后期恢复发力,有效补偿前期生物学损失,缓解冰雹的减产强度。 In the case of natural hailstorm,the differences in morphological development and yield components of maize in dryland farming are compared under four treatments as white film mulched and extra-plant( BM),black film mulched and extra-plant( HM),white total film furrow planting( QM) and open field planting( CK). The results show that:( 1) At the jointing stage,the soil water storages under three different film mulching strategies are significantly higher by 1. 0 ~ 1. 3% than that of the control,and that of QM increases largely compared with BM and HM;( 2) The plant height and stem diameter increase by 19. 7% and 23. 7% respectively under QM before hailing of maize and responded most significantly to the mulching strategies,but BM and HM just increase from 8.8 % to 9. 9%;( 3) After hailing,the ear length in BM increases by 3. 5% compared with CK,and the stem diameter in QM decreased significantly by 3. 9% than that of CK;( 4) The hail decreases the yield of maize with different extents over three film mulching strategies,compared with CK,the grain yields in BM,HM and QM decrease by 8. 3%,14. 0% and 19. 7% respectively. In conclusion,BM relieves the negative influence of hailing on the maize yield by 91. 7%,and the main reason probably is that the vegetative period of maize prolongs and the reproductive stage delays in BM to a great extent,which cover the negative effects of hailing on the maize plants’ development and avoid sharply decrease of final yield.
作者 王小林 张雄 朱晓晓 WANG Xiao-lin;ZHANG Xiong;ZHU Xiao-xiao(School of Life Sciences,Yulin University,Yulin 719000,China)
出处 《榆林学院学报》 2019年第2期70-75,共6页 Journal of Yulin University
基金 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(17JK0904) 国家自然科学基金项目(31751001) 陕西省科技厅自然科学基础研究计划项目(2018JQ3053) 陕西省科技厅重点科技创新团队项目(2013KCT-29)
关键词 陕北旱地 覆膜策略 水分利用 籽粒产量 dryland farming in the northern Shaanxi film mulching strategies water use grain yield
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