文学翻译的最终产品是出版物。出版与否虽然不是判断翻译活动成败的唯一标准,但译本内容不可避免会受到出版境遇的影响。在张爱玲小说《怨女》自译中,已知同为英文版的Pink Tears和The Rouge of the North,只有后者得到了出版机会,但现有文献在双语文本先后顺序记述上存在明显出入。本研究首先在《金锁记》自译框架内商榷《怨女》自译语际方向,然后借助语料库技术分析The Rouge of the North文本词汇特征,最后基于张氏英文创作观及出版规律推断Pink Tears遭拒原因。
The end product of literary translation is its publication.Despite that publication is by no means the only judgment of translating activities,the content of translated works is very likely to have an impact on it.In the case of Eileen Chang’s self-translation of Yuannv,two English versions have been composed,yet only The Rouge of the North got published,leaving Pink Tears only historically recorded yet unpublished.Previous studies contradict with each other in describing the sequential order of Yuannv’s bilingual texts,which triggers the present investigation into its translation direction and hence a corpus-based study of the lexical features of The Rouge of the North and an analysis as to why Pink Tears was denied the publication opportunity based on Eileen Chang’s English writing and publishing principles.
Corpus Linguistics