
基于遗传药理学的华法林个体化给药模型研究进展 被引量:3

Advances of individualized administration model of warfarin based on pharmacogenomics
摘要 华法林(Warfarin)是临床上常见的口服抗凝药,其治疗窗窄、起效缓慢、抗凝作用受药物和食物的影响较大等导致其临床使用受限。利用遗传药理学原理建立一种新的华法林个体化给药方案将提高临床华法林用药的安全性和有效性。欧美国家较具权威的模型即FDA推荐的国际华法林遗传药理学协会(The International Warfarin Pharmacogenetics Consortium,IWPC)的模型,但其是否适用中国人群仍未有定论。针对亚洲人群的研究许多学者均提出了相应的模型,但各项研究的样本量都较少,不具有代表性。我国已建立多中心、大样本量的研究,有望建立属于中国人群的模型应用于我们的临床。 Warfarin is a common anticoagulant drug in clinic.But its clinical use is limited because of its narrow therapeutic window,slow onset of anticoagulant and the effects are impacted easily by drug and food.So it will improve clinical safety and effectiveness of warfarin through establishing a new individualized warfarin dosing regimen based on pharmacogenomics.An authority model recommended by FDA is The International Warfarin Pharmacogenetics Consortium model in America and Europe.But whether it will apply to the Chinese population or not is inconclusive.Many models of Asian population were proposed,but the study sample size is too small to be representative.China has established a research of multi-center and large sample recently,which is expected to establish a model of our population and applied to our clinical.
出处 《中国临床药理学与治疗学》 CAS CSCD 2014年第11期1299-1305,共7页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
关键词 华法林 遗传药理学 个体化给药 剂量模型 研究进展 Warfarin pharmacogenomics individualized administration algorithms ad-vance
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