

Violence,History and Colonization:On the Violent Politics in Ulysses
摘要 为了掩盖暴力的血腥与残忍,殖民者在使用暴力时往往大耍政治手腕。在《尤利西斯》中,乔伊斯首先揭露了殖民史就是一部暴力史的真相,暴露了殖民主义者、民族主义者和宗教狂热分子共同的暴力倾向;继而暴露了殖民者为遮蔽暴力的残酷性而玩弄的诸般政治伎俩,然后揭露了殖民暴力与殖民经济、文化之间千丝万缕的复杂勾连——经济既是暴力的驱动力和目标,也是暴力的手段,而文化则为暴力的实施充当开路先锋和精神集中营;最后通过批判单一身份的概念,暗示了容纳和博爱乃是解决暴力冲突的路径。 When unleashing violence, colonialists always conspire to downplay their brutality and bloodiness by employing various strategies. In Ulysses,Joyce firstly reveals that colonial history is essentially a history of violence,and exposes the propensity for violence shared by colonialists, nationalists and religious zealots. Then he illustrates all sorts of political tricks played by colonialists for the purpose of hiding the cruelty of violence. Joyce also uncovers the inherent and complicated connections between colonial violence,economy and culture: economy is not only the driving force and objective of violence, but also is itself a form of violence;meanwhile, culture invariably leads the way for violence and serves as a spiritual concentration camp. Finally by criticizing the view of identity,Joyce implies that tolerance and fraternity are solutions to violence.
作者 申富英 Shen Fuying
出处 《英美文学研究论丛》 CSSCI 2018年第2期29-44,共16页 English and American Literary Studies
关键词 《尤利西斯》 暴力 政治 经济 文化 Ulysses violence politics economy culture
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  • 1Nick Hewlett, "Marx, Engels and the Ethics of the Violence in Revolt", The European Legacy." TowardNew Paradigms, Vol.17, No.7, December 2012, p.882.
  • 2Matthew Taunton, "Heart of Darkness", New Statesman, February 4, 2008, p.57.
  • 3Eric Dean Rasmussen, "Works of Violent Love", Symplokg, Vol. 18, Nos. 1 -2, January, 2010, p.323, p.323, p.324,.
  • 4Slavoj Ziek, Violence." Six Sideways Reflections, New York: Picador, 2008, p.1, p.2, p.6, pp.1-2, p.206, p.4, p.64, p.100.
  • 5Michael Withey, "Review Violence by Slavoj Ziek" available at http://www.bedeutung.c.uk/magazine/issues/-nature-cuhure/withey-zizek-vilence/ accessed on Oct. 19, 2013.
  • 6Slavoj Ziek, Violence: Six Sideways Reflections, New York: Picador, 2008, p.2, p.62, p.61, p. 61 p. 2, p. 64, p.3-4, p.1.
  • 7Kelsey Wod, Ziek: A Reader's Guide, Malden, MA and Oxford, UK, Wiley- BIackwen, 2012, p. 259, p.43.
  • 8ZahiZalloua,"BettingonResscntiment:ZiekwithNietzsche",Symploke, Vol.20, Issues 1-2,2012, p.54.
  • 9Mark Venon, "I Predict a Riot (not literally)", The Philosopher "s Magazine, Issue 41, 2nd quarter, 2008, p. 115.
  • 10Slavoj Ziek, Violence." Six Sideways Reflections, New York: Picador, 2008, p.22, pp.23-24, p.96.









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