

Globalization and the Efforts of Regional Integration at Borderland——On the Multidimensional Cooperation of BCIMEC
摘要 孟中印缅经济走廊(BCIMEC)与其他区域一体化不同,它发生在世界最贫困的集合地带。这一区域需要一体化动力带来共同增长,但是其初始条件必然制约经济走廊合作的有效推进;发展的紧迫性和初始条件累积效应,需要扩展对孟中印缅经济走廊的参与方式和参与内容,发展援助、互联互通等内容与发展贸易与投资对经济走廊启动和持续同等重要,而边境经济区的合作将成为推进经济走廊建设的最关键环节。孟中印缅经济走廊必须超越新旧区域主义的框架,不断拓展合作区间,在共同增长中促进国际区域经济合作。 Different from the regional integration in other regions,BCIM economic corridor( BCIMEC) occurs in the poorest areas of the world. This area requires integration to initiate growth,but the effective development of the economic corridor cooperation is restricted by the initial conditions of the region. Because of the urgency of development and the accumulation effect of its initial conditions,the contents and the ways to participate BCIMEC need to be expanded. Giving assistance and developing the interconnection and mutual communication are as important as developing trade and investment in the start- up phase and continuous development of the corridor,and the cooperation of economic zones in the border area will be the key to promote the construction of the economic corridor. The building of BCIMEC must go beyond the framework of the old and new regionalism,expand the range of cooperation,and promote regional economic cooperation in the common growth.
作者 杨怡爽
出处 《云南财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期71-76,共6页 Journal of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics
关键词 孟中印缅经济走廊 区域一体化 多维度合作 BCIMEC Regional Integration Multidimensional Cooperation
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