数学理性是西方理性精神的核心。在西方文化史上 ,数学曾经既具有技术层面的应用性功能 ,也具有思想意识层面的解释性功能。数学对西方法律文化有着巨大的影响 ,西方法律文化体现了大量的数学理念 ,这些数学理念直接影响了法律的内容 ,使西方法律文化别具特色。罪刑法定等重要法律原则的提出就与数学理念有关。
Mathematics reason is the core of the Western reason spirit. In the history of the western culture, mathematics once had both appliance function in terms of technique and interpretation function in terms of ideology. Mathematics had large influences on the western culture, making which containing many mathematics concepts. Mathematics directly influenced law's contents and characteristics, the principle of “crime and punishment must be judged by law” has something to do with mathematics.
Law and Social Development