对公司能力进行法律上的限制为各国公司立法的通例 ,这些限制表现为公司转投资的限制 ,公司短期资金借入的限制以及借贷、担保等方面的限制。我国公司法在这些限制方面存在制度设计上的缺陷 ,如何通过借鉴发达国家和地区的公司立法有关这些方面的规定以完善我国公司法 ,防止公司人格的滥用 ,充分发挥公司的积极功能 ,应当是我国公司法修改过程中给予重视的重要问题。
It is a general rule of all nations' company legislation to limit the company capability. These limitations include limitation of re-investment, limitation of loan and limitation of warranty etc. The company law of China is inadequate on these systems. Learning and transforming of the company laws of the developed countries or regions is a good method to amend our company law. We should pay more attentions to it in the course of amending the company law Thus we can fully assert the good functions of the company and prevent it from abusing as legal person.
Law and Social Development