马克思、恩格斯曾预言 ,宗教会自行消亡 ,其根据是宗教的认识根源、阶级根源、社会根源将被消除。费尔巴哈揭示了宗教的另一个根源 :心理根源。这个根源是不能被彻底消除的。宗教的消亡只能是宗教特殊形态的消亡 。
Marx and Engels once foretold that religion would die out by itself.It's based on the notion that religious roots of cognition,class and society would be removed.Feuerbach revealed anothet root of religion:the root of psychology.The root of psychology can not be removed thoroughly.The dying out of religion can only mean the dying out of specific forms of religion,but not the religion itself or all forms of religion.
Academic Exploration