清代江南地区已呈现出封建末世的衰兆 ,社会问题丛生 ,逼醮、抢醮即是其中之一。逼醮、抢醮主要集中于远离城市的乡村地区。这固然与江南对妇女再婚问题的宽容态度有关 ,与乡村的贫困以及男女人口比例失调也密不可分。逼醮、抢醮形成风气 ,冲击了传统礼教和封建统治秩序 ,引起官府及地方社会的严重关注。在官府屡颁禁令的同时 ,社会也采取设立保节局、清节堂等慈善团体的方式 ,保护愿意守节的妇女 ,打击逼醮、抢醮行为 ,收到了一定的效果。
Bijiao and Qiangjiao (the actions to force widows to remarry), which mainly existed in rural area, was one of problems existing in Jiangnan in Qing dynasty. This problem was related not only to people's tolerance of widow's remarriage, but also to rural poverty and the abnormal proportion of men to women in population. Because it led to the confusion of social order and the deep impact on patriarch system, the local society founded some charitable organizations to protect women who didn't want to remarry , while the government issued some orders to forbid actions like that. All these measurements achieved results in a certain degree.
Historical Review