本文介绍在用SAP[3]对平场显微物镜的场曲进行测试的方法及其对进口的若干个高倍平场物镜的实测结果。SAP 为我国研制的点阵状网格光栅板,当用它作为显微镜检验用的标准样品时,可同时测定各种显微物镜的分辨率、放人率、某几种象差等的成象质量指标,特别是对平场物镜的场曲和成象清晰范围等方面能实现实时、快速、直观和定量化测定。实验结果表明,这种方法不需要在事后进行复杂的理论推算,也不要求特别的高精度仪器和专门的操作技术,仪利用显微镜本身的微调刻度即可,从而使测试结果与波测显微镜和其物镜直接联系,因此适合于生产或检验现场作即时检测、评价或记录之用。
The quantitative measuring method of field curvature of a microscopic flat-field(f-f)objective by SAP[3]is described and its experimental results from a number of imported f-f objectives by one maker is also given.The SAP(Sirehl-Abbe Plate)is a special formed plate in spot-matrix gratingtype made according to both Strehl's and Abbe's Principles by the ShanghaiInstitute of Optical Instruments in 1980-81,which could be used as a stand-ard specimen to calibrate the resolution,magnificaiion and some kinds of aber-ration over the entire image field of any objective,especially the field curva-ture and sharpness of a f-f high power one.It had been demonstrated thatthe SAP is a kind of capable means which possessing rapid,effective,direct,precision and real-time display performances to objective examination,eitherin laboratory or work-shop.
Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument