据中国汽车工业协会最新发布的数据,2018年1-11月,汽车产销2 532.52万辆和2 541.97万辆,同比下降2.59%和1.65%。协会预计,2018年车市有可能遭遇1990年以来产销负增长。虽然燃油车领域俨然一副'寒冬'之态,新能源汽车却在补贴逐渐退坡的情况下,表现出了勃勃生机:1-11月,新能源汽车产销分别完成105.35万辆和102.98万辆,比上年同期分别增长63.63%和68%。
In 2018, the total sales of domestic auto industry was decline for the first time in the past 28 years, which seemed to expect a 'cold winter' for diesel and petrol vehicles, while a warm spring for new energy-fuel ones that had showed a considerable growing trend, though the subsidies for new energy-fuel vehicles have been gradually less. On a Forum themed as 'New Normal and the Changing of New Energy-fuel Vehicle' sponsored by Economic and Financial Channel of CCTV, a few industrial opinion leaders discussed and shared their thoughts and views about the current situation.
Commercial Vehicle