2018年11月22日,'2018舍弗勒大中华区技术研讨会'在苏州举行,舍弗勒集团及大中华区的技术专家向来自汽车行业逾430名客户,分享了舍弗勒在内燃机、变速器、底盘和电驱动、混合动力等汽车动力总成领域的最新成果,具体包括:Schaeffler Mover——针对城市交通出行的平台化解决方案和混合动力专用变速器(DHT);滚动停缸技术和用于电机和变速器的新一代超低摩擦滚动轴承,以及48 V轻混技术等。此外,舍弗勒创新概念城市车辆Schaeffler Mover首次在中国亮相,为未来城市交通出行提供了一种解决方案。
Nov. 22, 2018, Schaffler Greater China Group held in Suzhou a forum and presentation to demonstrate the company’s new and innovative technologies. Experts and technician from Schaeffler Group and Greater China Region introduced to 430 and more customers from Chinese auto businesses the company’s latest achievement of many products, including internal-combustion engine, transmission, chassis and power-trains of pure E-drive and hybrid-power, etc.
Commercial Vehicle