2019年4月12—14日,由中国机械工业联合会、中国机械国际合作股份有限公司、中国汽车工业配件销售有限公司共同主办的第85届全国汽车配件交易会在石家庄国际会展中心举行。本届展会启用了石家庄国际会展中心的8个大型展厅,展出面积达到7万多m^2,参展企业超过2 000家,展位3 000多个,有6万多名国内外汽配专业采购商相聚石家庄,在会期进行展示、洽谈和交流。
The 85th China Automobile Parts and Purchase Fair Exhibition was held at Shijiazhuang International Convention and Exhibition Center from April 12 to 14, 2019 in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province. With an exhibition space of 70,000 sqm and more than 3,000 platforms, the event attracted 2,000 companies and corporations to take part in the event, and more than 60,000 dealers and auto parts businessmen from China and abroad.
Commercial Vehicle