
云数据中心节能技术研究浅析 被引量:1

Studyon Energy SavingTechnology of Cloud Data Center
摘要 在"大数据"飞速发展过程中,如何对越来越大的云数据中心进行节能方面技术研究,不仅是绿色地球和节约型社会要求,更是云数据中心发展中的又一个技术要点.通过对云数据中心能耗的分析,在硬件架构和算法设计方面对云数据节能技术进行介绍,重点介绍CPU组件节能技术DVFS. This paper introduces cloud data center.Through the analysis of the energy consumption of the cloud data center,how to research the energy saving technology about the increasing cloud data center in the process of rapid development of' big data'is not only agreen earth and economical society requirements,but also a technical breakthrough in the development of the cloud data center.This paper introduces the cloud data energy-saving technologies in the aspect of hardware architecture and algorithm,mainly on the CPU component energy saving technology-- DVFS.
作者 龚利
出处 《郧阳师范高等专科学校学报》 2014年第6期60-61,共2页 Journal of Yunyang Teachers College
关键词 云数据 能耗 节能 DVFS cloud data energy consumption energy saving DVFS
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