5Gene Sharp.The Politics of Nonviolent Action(Part II). . 1973
6Tim Pratt,James Vernon.Appeal from this fiery bed…:The Colonial Politics of Gandhi’’s Fasts and Their Metropolitan Reception. Journal of British Studies . 2005
1David P.Barash, Approaches to Peace, New York&Oxford; Oxford University Press 2000,p.1.
4"He found the formulation 'Troth is God' preferable to 'God is Truth'…… For Gandhi the focus is certainly not on Cod-talk." Margaret Chatterjee, Gandhi's Religious Thought, Hampshire:The Macmillan Press LTD 1985, p.58.
6Thomas Merton 所编.Gandhi on nonviolence,New Direction Publishing Corporation,1965.
7R.Balasubramanian, The Technique of Non-violent Resistence, R.Balasubramanian & T.S.Devadoss, ed., Gandhian Thought, India:University of Madras 1981, p.8.
9R.Balasubramanian & T.S.Devadoss, ed., Gandhian Thought, India:University of Madras 1981, p.15.
10"For the extremity of present world-wide realities Gandhi gives us no answer, in the straggles against totalitarianism Gandhi's procedure would not be a political way but a way to certain doom". R.Balasubramanian & T.S.Devadoss, ed., Gandhian Thought, India: University of Madras 1981, pp.13-14.