1[1]Chris Murray,Key Writers on Art:From Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century,Routledge,London,2003.
2[2]Erwin Panofsky,Three Decades of Art History in the United States:impressions of a Transplanted European,Meaning in the Visual Arts,Garden City,N.Y.,1955.
3[3]Udo Kultermann,The History of Art History,Abatis Books,1993.
4[4]Eric Fernie,Art History and Its Methods,Phaidon 1995.
5[5]Matthew Rampley,From Symbol to Allegory:Aby Warburg's Theory of Art,The Art Bulletin,Vol.79,1997.
6[6]W.Eugene Kieinbauer,Geistesgeschichte and Art History,Art Journal,vol.30,No.2.(winter,1970-1971).
7[7]Max Dvorak.,Idealism and Naturalism in Gothic Art,trans.Randolph J.Klawiter,Notre Dame Uni.Pre.,1967.
8[8]Max Dvorak,The History of Art as the History of Ideas,trans.John Hardy,Eoutledge 1984.
10[11]Arnold Hauser,Mannerism:The Crisis of the Renaissance and the Origin of Modern Art,Harvard Uni.Press,1986.