图形用户界面(GUI,Graphic User Interface)已经大幅度渗入在用户的视觉领域中。图形用户界面是结合了美学、设计学、心理学、人机工程学等多学科背景而诞生的新的设计领域。新的审美理念也在科技和艺术深刻交融的当代诞生。文章通过对比分解方法研究全球最流行的图形用户界面的设计后,再次解读图形界面设计中的审美理念,探寻数字化世界的审美趋势,最终引发对循环设计理念和人性思考。
The graphical user interface (GUI) has significantly infiltrated in the visual field. The graphical user interface is the birth of a new visual presentation which combines of aesthetics, design, psychology, ergonomics multidisciplinary background. The new aesthetic concept is also born in the era of technology and art profound blended. This paper re-interprets graphical interface design aesthetic philosophy and searches the digital world aesthetic trends, through the comparative analysis method to study the world's most popular graphical user interface design, which eventually lead to the thinking of the cycle design concept and human nature.
GUI Design, Aesthetic Cycle, Human Philosophizing