
地下金属矿山岩爆研究进展及预测与防治 被引量:39

Progress,prediction and prevention of rockbursts in underground metal mines
摘要 随着开采深度的增加,矿岩条件与开采环境的恶化,岩爆越来越成为地下金属矿山开采过程中难以避免且频繁发生的动力灾害。在对国内外地下金属矿山岩爆发生现状、影响因素、典型特征、类型与等级、孕育发生过程等全面综述的基础上,探讨、分析井巷和采场岩爆的预测与防治技术。结果表明:(1)世界范围内大体上可划分为6个岩爆区,目前我国有20余座地下金属矿山已经发生或正在经历岩爆灾害,且主要自东北至西南近海岸线一侧呈"S"型分布,近30 a来发生岩爆的矿山数量呈递增趋势;(2)地下金属矿山岩爆影响因素可划分为3类:I类(内在决定因素)、II类(外在诱发因素)、III类(加剧因素),各类因素之间既相互独立又相互影响;(3)基于工程类型,可划分为井巷岩爆和采场岩爆两类,其中,井巷岩爆工程防护总体应遵循"主被动支护相结合、刚柔性支护相结合、单一支护向多方法协调支护转变"的基本原则,而采场岩爆的防治尚处于研究探索阶段,分析认为其防治可从采矿方法与工艺、采场布置及开采顺序等方面开展工作,充填采矿法是解决深井开采岩爆等地压灾害问题的主要方向和趋势;(4)地下金属矿山岩爆的防治应贯穿整个开采全过程,建立长效的监测与反馈机制和形成相应的行业技术规范是该领域的迫切需求。最后,探讨、分析了地下金属矿山岩爆相关研究面临的难题和今后的重点研究内容,可为该工程领域岩爆防治体系的建立及采矿工程设计研究提供参考。 With the increase of the mining depth,the deterioration of the ore rock condition and mining environment,rockbursts are becoming an inevitable and frequent dynamic disaster in the process of underground metal mining.Based on a comprehensive review of status quo,influencing factors,typical characteristics,types and grades,and evolution process of rockbursts in underground metal mines at home and abroad,the prediction and control technologies of rockburst in roadway and stope are discussed and analyzed respectively.The results show that the world can be roughly divided into 6 rockburst zones.At present,rockbursts have occurred or maybe occur in more than 20 underground metal mines in China,which are mainly distributed in the shape of'S'along the coast from northeast to southwest,and the number of rockburst mines increased in the last 30 years.The influencing factors of rockbursts in underground metal mines can be divided into three types including internal factors of class I,external factors of class II and aggravating factors of class III,which are both independent and interacting.The rockburst in underground metal mines can be divided into two categories based on the project type,that is,the roadway rockburst and the stope rockburst.The engineering protection of the roadway rockburst should follow the basic principles of'combination of active and passive supports,combination of rigid and flexible supports,and multi-method coordinated support rather than single support'.The prevention and control of stope rockburst,which is still at the research and exploration stage,can be carried out from the aspects of mining method and technology,stope layout and mining sequence.Backfill method is a mainly solution of ground pressure disasters such as rockbursts in deep mining.The prevention and control of rockbursts in underground metal mines should run through the whole mining process.It is an urgent need to establish a long-term monitoring and feedback mechanism and to form corresponding technical specifications in this field.Finally,the problems and key research contents in the study of rockburst in underground metal mine discussed and analyzed,which can provide references for the establishment of rockburst prevention system and the design research of mining engineering in this field.
作者 江飞飞 周辉 刘畅 盛佳 JIANG Feifei;ZHOU Hui;LIU Chang;SHENG Jia(State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan,Hubei 430071,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;National Engineering Research Center for Metal Mining,Changsha Institute of Mining Research Co.,Ltd.,Changsha,Hunan 410012,China;School of Resource Environment and Safety Engineering,Hunan University of Science and Technology,Xiangtan,Hunan 411201,China)
出处 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期956-972,共17页 Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51427803 51709257 41807269)~~
关键词 采矿工程 地下金属矿山 岩爆孕育过程 井巷岩爆 采场岩爆 工程防护 岩爆防治 mining engineering underground metal mines evolution process of rockbursts roadway rockbursts stope rockbursts engineering protection prevention and control of rockbursts
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