

A Study on the Intercourse between Jeong Mong-ju and the Figures in the Ming Dynasty
摘要 高丽使者郑梦周曾数次出使明朝,为两国关系的正常化做出了巨大贡献。在出使途中,郑梦周写有大量的诗文,明朝使臣至高丽时,郑梦周也多有酬对唱和。本文根据《圃隐集》所收录的相关诗文,对郑梦周曾交游过的明人进行了考订。这些人,既包括出使高丽的明朝使节,也有郑梦周出使明朝所途经地区的军事长官、文臣、高僧、普通士大夫等。可以看出,郑梦周与明朝人士有着广泛的交游。而且,郑梦周的交游诗内容丰富、题材多变,有的是出于出使明朝或接待明朝使节的政治需要,表现明朝统一全国、重建华夷秩序、明臣文才武功、自己躬逢盛世等内容,也有反映其自身的好尚、志趣的个性作品,表达对明朝士人的贤才和品德的钦服仰慕。《圃隐集》中的这些交游诗,很多可以弥补中国一侧史料的不足,也可以与高丽一侧的相关诗文合在一起对读。尤其是反映郑梦周与高逊志等士人在思想方面交流互动的几首诗,对探究其生平事迹和思想有特别重要的意义。从这一点而言,《圃隐集》具有'诗史'的价值。 Jeong Mong-ju was appointed as the envoy to the Ming Dynasty, and made a great contribution to repair the relationship between the two countries. On the way to the Ming dynasty, he wrote a large number of poems. According to Puyin Ji(圃隐集), this paper has carried on the textual research of the figures in the Ming Dynasty who made a contact to Jeong Mong-ju. Some of these people is the Ming Dynasty envoy to Goryeo, another part is the Ming Dynasty military governors, ministers, buddhists and other hermits. We can find that Jeong Mong-ju had contact with a lot of people in the Ming Dynasty. These poems can be divided into two categories. On the one hand,Jeong Mong-ju wrote some poems for political needs. The contents include the unity of the Ming Dynasty,the reconstruction of "Sino-barbarian international order"(华夷秩序), the great achievement of the Ming Dynasty, the joy of a golden age, and so on.On the other hand, Jeong Mong-ju also wrote some personal poems. He expressed his own likes and ambition, or admiration for the figures in the Ming Dynasty. These poems have great significance. They can make up for the inadequacy of Chinese historical materials, and also prove the relative historical materials of Goryeo.Especially some of them play an important role in the research on Jeong Mong-ju’s life and thought. Therefore, we think Puyin Ji(圃隐集) is of great value as a historical poetry(诗史).
作者 余国江
出处 《元史及民族与边疆研究集刊》 CSSCI 2017年第1期182-196,共15页 Studies on the Mongol-Yuan and China's Bordering Area
关键词 郑梦周 圃隐集 明人 交游诗 诗史 Jeong Mong-ju Puyin Ji(圃隐集) the Figures in the Ming Dynasty Intercourse Poetry Historical Poetry(诗史)
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