
基于模糊控制的双交叉口相序可变信号配时方法 被引量:3

Study of Variable Phase Sequence Fuzzy Coordinated Control Algorithm on Adjacent Intersections
摘要 为优化交叉口信号配时,降低车辆平均延误,提出了一种相序可变的干线双交叉口模糊协调控制方法。提出的模糊协调控制方法包括候选相位选择控制器、绿灯相位观测控制器、相位切换控制器和两个交叉口协调控制模块共五个控制模块。相序可变的干线双交叉口模糊协调控制方法基于对当前上下游交叉口交通紧迫程度的判断,以及对未来交通状态演变的估计,采用相序可变的模糊控制方法实时、动态调整交叉口信号配时方案。利用MATLAB对VISSIM二次开发搭建仿真平台,对所提出的模糊控制方法进行了验证。结果表明,所提出的模糊控制方法在单交叉口和双交叉口两个控制层面均优于传统定时控制方法,可以显著降低车辆平均延误,提高交叉口通行效率。 In order to optimize the signal control of intersections and decrease the average vehicle delay,a variable phase sequence coordinated fuzzy control algorithm on adjacent intersections is proposed.The algorithm included five control modules:Candidate phase choosing controller,greenlight observing controller,phase-switching controller and two intersection-coordinated modules.Based on the current traffic condition of adjacent intersections and prediction of future traffic fluctuation,the proposed algorithm is able to adjust signal control parameters timely and dynamically.Then MATLAB is used for VISSIM secondary development to build a simulation platform to verify this model.The result indicates that the variable phase sequence threestage fuzzy coordinated control algorithm is able to decrease average vehicle delay significantly both on single intersection and adjacent intersections compared with timing control.
作者 乌兰娜仁 罗霞 WU Lannaren;LUO Xia(School of Transportation and Logistics,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031 Sichuan,China;National United Engineering Laboratory of Integrated and Intelligent Transportation,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031 Sichuan,China)
出处 《综合运输》 2019年第7期77-82,共6页 China Transportation Review
基金 四川省科技计划项目(2017JY0072)
关键词 交叉口 信号控制 协调控制 模糊控制 VISSIM二次开发 Intersections Signal control Coordinated control Fuzzy control VISSIM secondary development
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