在侗乡推行侗文是侗族地区民族教育的突出特点之一。侗文的创制和推广在农村扫盲、抢救民间文 学遗产、丰富群众文化生活、普及科技知识、宣传党和政府的方针政策、双语文教育、妇女社会地位的 提高方面发挥了重要作用。这说明双语文教育在民族地区必将长期存在。
Using Kam script is one of the main special features of ethnic education in Kam areas. Establishing and using Kam script has played and is playing an important role in helping peasants learn to read and write, preserving folk literature heritage, enriching people 's spiritual life, spreading scientific and technical knowledge, propagandaizing about the party's policies, practising bilingual education, raising women's social status and etc. All these good social results show the need for long - term bilingual education in ethnic areas.
Using Kam script
social results