智力理论从单因素到双因素及多因素的发展,都源于研究者所采用的心理学研究方法的演变。但由 于高智商并不会必然导致将来的高成就水平,研究者对智商(IQ)概念提出了置疑,并引入新的研究方 法研究智力,如调查对比研究、追踪研究方法、移情测验等,使智力理论得到新发展。Salovey和Mayer 提出情绪智力(Emotional Intelligence)的概念(EQ)。本文对IQ和EQ的研究方法进行了比较,认为对 智力问题的研究应注重人文社会科学方法的应用。
Theories about intelligence have changed from single to double to multiple factors, because of the de-velopment of psychological studies. As high IQ does not really mean high achievement, researchers add-ed new studies to it, such as comparative studies by surveys, tracking surveys and empathy tesing. Salovey and Mayer put forward the concept of EQ. This paper makes a comparison between IQ and EQ studies, emphasizing the humanist aspects concerned.