The earthfill load causes soil motion and further produces-additional deformation and stress on the embedded pipelines in the ground. The deformation and stress may damage the pipelines. To avoid the drawbacks of three-dimensional numerical analysis, such as complex modeling and time consuming, a two-stage method(TSM) is proposed for determining the behavior of the adjacent pipelines caused by the earthfill load. Firstly, the additional deformation of soil mass due to the adjacent high fill is calculated by the layered elastic half-space theory. Secondly, the governing differential equations are established based on the Winkler subgrade model and the finite difference method is used to solve the equations, and then the simplified method is derived. Finally, three-dimensional numerical analysis show that the calculated results of analytical solution are reasonable, and the proposed three-dimensional simplified method is able to analyze the influence of earthfill load on the adjacent pipeline buried in layered soils.
Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering